Retrieving a Google Docs body text is quite easy with the help of Google Apps Script.
Well, until it isn’t. Let me explain.
Continue reading “Get a Google Docs Body Text with Apps Script”
Google Workspace and Software Development
Retrieving a Google Docs body text is quite easy with the help of Google Apps Script.
Well, until it isn’t. Let me explain.
Continue reading “Get a Google Docs Body Text with Apps Script”
I’ve created a small (pseudo) class that more easily clears and creates conditional formatting rules in a Google Sheet tab with Google Apps Script.
Well in Google Apps Script, conditional formatting rules are all or nothing.
You can only ever set, get or clear ALL rules in a specified Google Sheet tab.
So if you add a single rule to a sheet tab, all existing rules will be removed.
This means that each time you need to clear a rule or a portion of a rule or add in a new rule, you need to rebuild the entire rule set for that sheet tab.
It is an unpleasant experience.
The script below simplifies this process into some common clear and create processes for your conditional formatting.
Let me know in the comments below if you have a suggestion for another method for the class.
One last thing.
If you want to understand what is going on with the code (You are my kind of peeps), check out the video tutorial series.
Table of Contents
To add this script to your own projects, I recommend that you create a new Google Apps Script file (page) and paste the code in there.
Check out the chapters below on how to use the class.
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/** * #### Clear and Set by range conditional formattting. #### * * Clears and sets conditional formatting by range. * This is a sudo class. * @author Scott Donald [] * @see {} for further informtation. */ /** * @typedef {Range_ConditionalFormattingMethods} * @param {SpreadsheetApp.Sheet} sheet - the target Sheet tab * @property {function} clearRule * @property {function} setRules * @returns Range_ConditionalFormattingMethods */ function Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet) { /** * @typedef {Object} matrixRange * @property {Number} rs = row start * @property {Number} re = row end * @property {Number} cs = col start * @property {Number} ce = col end */ /** * Checks sample ranges agains target ranges and removes * any overlapping ranges. * @param {matrixRange[]} targets - Selected ranges used to erase * @param {matirxRange[]} erased - Range to erase if it overlaps * @returns {matrixRange[]} */ function checkRangeOverlapAndRebuild_(targets, erased) { console.log("checkRangeOverlapAndRebuild_") console.log(targets) console.log(erased) // On each iteration check the range let newRanges = [] let checkRanges = [...erased] let checkRangesLen = checkRanges.length /** * Checks row overlaps and creates new ranges. * @param {matrixRange} s - sample range. * @param {matrixRange} t - target range. */ function rowCheck(s, t) { if ( < { // If s row starts before t start. if ( <= { // If s row ends at or before t end. (add: top) let n1 = { rs:, re: - 1, cs: s.cs, ce: s.ce } newRanges.push(n1) = colCheck(s, t) } else if ( > { // If s row ends after t end. (add: top, bottom) let n1 = { rs:, re: - 1, cs: s.cs, ce: s.ce } let n4 = { rs: + 1, re:, cs: s.cs, ce: s.ce } newRanges.push(n1, n4) = = colCheck(s, t) } } else if ( >= { // If the s row range starts inside the t. if ( > { // If the s row ends after the t end. (add:bottom) let n4 = { rs: + 1, re:, cs: s.cs, ce: s.ce } newRanges.push(n4) = } colCheck(s, t) } } /** * Checks columns overlaps and creates new ranges. * @param {matrixRange} s - sample range. * @param {matrixRange} t - target range. */ function colCheck(s, t) { if (s.cs < t.cs) { // If s col start before t col start if (s.ce <= t.ce) { //If s col ends at or before t ends. (add: left) let n2 = { rs:, re:, cs: s.cs, ce: t.cs - 1 } newRanges.push(n2) } else if (s.ce > t.ce) { // If s col ends after t end. (add: left, right) let n2 = { rs:, re:, cs: s.cs, ce: t.cs - 1 } let n3 = { rs:, re:, cs: t.ce + 1, ce: s.ce } newRanges.push(n2, n3) } } else if (s.cs >= t.cs && s.ce > t.ce) { let n3 = { rs:, re:, cs: t.ce + 1, ce: s.ce } newRanges.push(n3) } } // Iterate over each target area to check range overlaps. targets.forEach(t => { // Loop through checkRanges // This allows us to check for any ranges we create when we have // mulitple target ranges. while (checkRangesLen > 0) { const s = checkRanges[checkRangesLen - 1] // If s does not touch t, add range. (do first for quick exit) if ( < || > || s.ce < t.cs || s.cs > t.ce ) { newRanges.push(s) // Pushes existing ranges. } else { rowCheck(s, t) } checkRanges.pop() checkRangesLen = checkRanges.length } checkRanges = [...newRanges] // Review the new check range on the next target newRanges = [] checkRangesLen = checkRanges.length }) return checkRanges } const publicAPI = {} /** * @typedef {boolean} clearRule * @param {SpreadsheetApp.Range | SpreadsheetApp.Range[]} rangeOrRanges - target range or ranges. * @param {Number} [clearType] - 0 = Clear exactly matching range. * - 1 = Clear only within range. * - 2 = Clear withing and partial ranges. * the targe range will be removed from the conditional formatting. */ publicAPI.clearRule = function (rangeOrRanges, clearType = 0) { /** @type {SpreadsheetApp.Range[]} */ const ranges = rangeOrRanges.constructor == Array ? rangeOrRanges : [rangeOrRanges] const tgtRanges = clearType == 0 ? => r.getA1Notation()) // We need A1 if zero. : => { return { rs: r.getRow(), re: r.getLastRow(), cs: r.getColumn(), ce: r.getLastColumn() } }) const cur_rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules() let updated_rules = [] let hasRangeChange = false // interate over the current conditional formatting updated_rules = cur_rules.reduce((acc, crule) => { // - Iterate over current ranges and delete any const cruleRanges = crule.getRanges() // let remainingRuleA1ranges = [] const remainingRuleA1ranges = cruleRanges.reduce((acc2, r) => { switch (clearType) { case 0: // CLEAR EXACT MATCH // - If a range matches, delete. if (tgtRanges.includes(r.getA1Notation())) { hasRangeChange = true return acc2 } break case 1: // CLEAR ALL RANGES WITHIN SPECIFIED RANGE // - If a range fits within any of the target ranges, delete. const hasMatch = tgtRanges.some(tr => { if ( r.getRow() >= && r.getLastRow() <= && r.getColumn() >= tr.cs && r.getLastColumn() <= tr.ce ) { return true } return false }) if (hasMatch) { hasRangeChange = true return acc2 } break case 2: // CLEAR ALL RANGE OVERLAPS WITHIN SPECIFIED RANGE const cruleRangeLoc = [{ rs: r.getRow(), re: r.getLastRow(), cs: r.getColumn(), ce: r.getLastColumn(), }] const cruleNewRanges = checkRangeOverlapAndRebuild_( tgtRanges, cruleRangeLoc ) // If there has been a change if (JSON.stringify(cruleNewRanges) != JSON.stringify(cruleRangeLoc)) { // Convert to A1 Notation cruleNewRangesA1 = => { return sheet.getRange(, cruleRange.cs, - + 1, cruleRange.ce - cruleRange.cs + 1, ) }) hasRangeChange = true return acc2 = acc2.concat(cruleNewRangesA1) } break } // SWITCH ENDS // Nothing deleted. return acc2 = acc2.concat(r) }, []) const remainingRulesA1rangesLength = remainingRuleA1ranges.length // If there are no remaining ranges in the if (remainingRulesA1rangesLength == 0) return acc // If there is a difference in # of ranges after check, rebuild cond fmt rule if (hasRangeChange) { console.log("range has been removed. ") let cruleCopy = crule.copy() cruleCopy.setRanges(remainingRuleA1ranges) acc = acc.concat(cruleCopy) return acc } // If the range was not impacted return the rule. acc = acc.concat(crule) return acc }, []) // Update the conditional formatting rules. sheet.setConditionalFormatRules(updated_rules) } /** * @typedef {SpreadsheetApp.ConditionalFormatRule} setRules * @param {SpreadsheetApp.ConditionalFormatRule[]} rules - array of conitional formatting rules. * @param {Number} [position] - End of rules by default (-1) * - 0 Start of rules. Positive numbers apply position up to max length of rule set. * - -1 End or rules negative numbers position in reverse from last rule to start up to zero. */ publicAPI.setRules = function (rules, position = -1) { let newRules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules() const ruleLen = newRules.length let pos = -1 if (position > -1) { if (position > ruleLen) { pos = ruleLen } else { pos = position } } else { const posNeg = ruleLen + position + 1 console.log(position, posNeg) if (posNeg < 0) { pos = 0 } else { pos = posNeg } } console.log("POS", pos, "\nCur rules length", sheet.getConditionalFormatRules().length, "\nNew rules length", ruleLen ) // Get current rules newRules.splice(pos, 0, ...rules) sheet.setConditionalFormatRules(newRules) } return publicAPI } |
Note! Square brackets around parameters indicate optional parameters.
The pseudo-class Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet)
tales one argument:
in JS Doc.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet). // .clearRule() or setRule() } |
Method | Return Type |
clearRule() |
Clears a rule or rules by a single range or array or ranges, based on 3 clearing approaches.
setRule() |
Sets a rule or rules while maintaining the existing rules in the Sheet tab.
Clears the conditional formatting rules in a Google Sheet tab by the selected range or ranges and clear type while maintaining the existing conditional formatting rules in the Google Sheet tab.
Name | Optional | Type | Description |
rangeOrRanges | Range or Range Array | A SpreadsheetApp.Range or array of ranges that will be the target locations to clear. | |
clearType | ✓ | Number | The way the method should clear the range (see below)
Default is clearType = 0 |
Clears a conditional formatting range that exactly matches the single range provided.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_range() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a range of formatting rules. const range = sheet.getRange("B4:B7") console.log("Single Range Clear - exact match.") Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(range) } |
Video link: clearRule(ranges) – Ranges and no optional clear type
Clears the conditional formatting that exactly matches multiple ranges.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_ranges() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a list of ranges const ranges = ["B12:B15", "B20:B23", "B28:B31"].map(r => sheet.getRange(r)) console.log(ranges.length) Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(ranges) } |
Clears a conditional formatting range that exactly matches the array of ranges provided. Clear type zero (0) is the default clear type.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_range_clear_exact() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a range of formatting rules. const range = sheet.getRange("B4:B7") console.log("Single Range Clear - exact match.") Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(range, 0) } |
Clears the conditional formatting that exactly matches multiple ranges.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_ranges_clear_exact() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a list of ranges const ranges = ["B12:B15", "B20:B23", "B28:B31"].map(r => sheet.getRange(r)) console.log(ranges.length) Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(ranges, 0) } |
Clears a conditional formatting rule range that has a range equal to or within the target range.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_range_clear_within() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a range of formatting rules. const range = sheet.getRange("B4:B7") console.log("Single Range Clear - exact match.") Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(range, 1) } |
Clears all conditional formatting rule ranges equal to or within the target array of ranges.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_ranges_clear_wihin() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a list of ranges const ranges = ["B12:B15", "B20:B23", "B28:B31"].map(r => sheet.getRange(r)) console.log(ranges.length) Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(ranges, 1) } |
Clears a conditional formatting rule range that has a range equal to or within the target range or rebuilds the range where any range overlaps the target range removing that portion of the range.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_range_clear_exact() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("TEST1") // Clear a range of formatting rules. const range = sheet.getRange("B4:B7") console.log("Single Range Clear - exact match.") Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(range, 2) } |
Clears all conditional formatting rule ranges equal to or within the target array of ranges or rebuilds the range where any range overlaps the target range removing that portion of the range.
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_ranges_clear_exact() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1") // Clear a list of ranges const ranges = ["B12:B15", "B20:B23", "B28:B31"].map(r => sheet.getRange(r)) console.log(ranges.length) Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).clearRule(ranges, 2) } |
The setRule
method adds a conditional formatting rule or rules to an existing Google Sheet tab. It does not remove any existing rules in the selected tab.
The method has an optional position
parameter that allows the user to customise where they wish to order the rule in relation to the existing rules on the Sheet tab.
Name | Optional | Type | Description |
rules | Conditional Formatting Rules | A
array of objects. This is an array of rules built with the Apps Script conditional formatting rule builder. |
position | ✓ | Number | The position of the new rule in the existing set of rules.
Default is position = -1, or the bottom of the rules array. A position of zero (0) sets the rule to the top of the array set. Positive numbers apply position up to max length of the rule set. -1 for end of the rule Rules with negative numbers are position from the last rule in reverse order up to zero. |
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function test_Range_ConditionalFormatting_set() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet() const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("TEST4") let range const rule1 = SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule() .whenTextEqualTo("1") .setBackground("#f9cb9c") const rule2 = SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule() .whenTextEqualTo("2") .setBackground("#b4a7d6") // TEST 1 - ADD RULES - NO POSITION range = sheet.getRange("A3:L8") rule1 .setRanges([range]) .build() rule2 .setRanges([range]) .build() Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).setRules([rule1, rule2]) // TEST 2 - ADD RULES - BOTTOM OF RULES ARRAY range = sheet.getRange("A14:L18") rule1 .setRanges([range]) .build() rule2 .setRanges([range]) .build() Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).setRules([rule1, rule2], -1) // TEST 3 - ADD RULES - TOP OF RULES ARRAY range = sheet.getRange("A24:L28") rule1 .setRanges([range]) .build() rule2 .setRanges([range]) .build() Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).setRules([rule1, rule2], 0) // TEST 4 - ADD RULES - AFTER 1ST RULE range = sheet.getRange("A34:L38") rule1 .setRanges([range]) .build() rule2 .setRanges([range]) .build() Range_ConditionalFormatting(sheet).setRules([rule1, rule2], -6) } |
You can check out the playlist for Conditional formatting here.
The video tutorials:
- Clear Conditional Formatting Rules by Exact Match in Google Sheets with Apps Script
- Clear Conditional Formatting Rules Within a Range in Google Sheets with Apps Script
- Clear Conditional Formatting Rules that Overlap a Target Range in Google Sheets with Apps Script
- Add Conditional Formatting Rules to a Google Sheet Tab with Apps Script
Being such a short pseudo-class it is hardly worth slowing down your script by making this into a library. I recommend you just add it to your existing project for simplicity and performance.
If you think there are any other methods worth adding, please let me know in the comments.
I would also love to hear how you used this in your own projects.
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When working on Google Apps Script projects locally with CLASP, it can be handy to have text completion for the Apps Script classes and methods.
I’m currently shopping for a new IDE or text editor (the developer’s existential crisis) and have decided to pick up Sublime Text again after a 9-year hiatus after a mediocre three-week trial of Neovim.
After a fresh install of Sublime Text 4 here is what I needed to do:
Table of Contents
Google gracefully created a text completion package that uses Definitely Typed a TypeScript repository for type definitions that can be used with both TypeScript and vanilla JavaScript.
First, we check if the TypeScript package has been added to Sublime Text.
Select ctrl shift P
(cmd ⌘ should replace ctrl for Apple) to get the Command Pallete and start typing: Package Control: List Packages
and select it.
If the TypeScript package is present, move on to adding the Apps Script type package.
Head back to the Command Pallete ( ctrl shift P
) and this time start typing Package Control: Install Package
This will load the Sublime package. Search for ‘TypeScript’. The name must be exact. If it is in the package list (It wasn’t for me) install it and move on to adding the Apps Script type package installation.
If the package is not on the list we will need to use git to clone the package from the Windows GitHub repo for the TypeScrpt-Sublime-Plugin.
1 2 |
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3 git clone --depth 1 TypeScript |
1 2 |
cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages" git clone --depth 1 TypeScript |
1 2 |
cd ~/"Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages" git clone --depth 1 TypeScript |
You may need to close and reopen Sublime Text to see the effects.
In your terminal or shell, run the following:
npm install --save @types/google-apps-script
This will install the autocomplete types for all of the Google Apps Script Classes and Methods.
Go ahead and open Sublime Text and create a JavaSript *.js
file or TypeScirpt *.ts
Start typing a Google Apps Script class like SpreadsheetApp
. You should see it appear in the list.
You can use the up-down (↑↓) arrow keys to navigate the list and enter
to select the method or class.
Information for each method should appear as you enter the braces.
Hovering over the method or class will reveal similar information.
Alt ,
will open the tooltip when the cursor is within the parentheses of the method.
When there are multiple argument types, then you can click on the number to select from the list of types.
Or you can use the keyboard shortcuts:
Alt ,
– to open the tooltip if it is not available
Alt ↑
or Alt ↓
– to navigate to the next tooltip for the method.
Ctrl T Ctrl M
– With your cursor over a variable, class, method or function you can rename it and all occurrences of it.
You can also use the TypeScript plugin to format your document.
Ctrl T Ctrl F
Formats the whole document
Ctrl T Ctrl F
Formats the selection
Ctrl ;
Formats the line
You can learn more shortcuts from the TypeScript Plugin for Sublime Text docs.
Sometimes we use the gs
file ending for Google Apps Script files. To get these to autocomplete we need to pair them to either JavaScript or TypeScrit.
In Sublime Text first create any .gs
file and ensure you are open in that file.
Then, go to View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as … .
Select either JavaScript or TypeScript.
Now, when you edit the file, the Apps Script autocomplete will work as expected.
I’m not sure if I am going to stick with Sublime Text, but it is like slipping on a comfy pair of shoes after such a long break from it, so who knows?
I’d love to hear in the comments if you have used Sublime Text recently or are even using it for your own Apps Script projects. What do you love and not so love about it?
Oh, by the way, I recently built a little CLI tool to help update multiple Google Apps Script projects from a single source project. If this interests you, you can check it out here:
CLASPALL – Update Multiple Apps Script Projects From a Single Source
If you have found the tutorial helpful, why not shout me a coffee ☕? I'd really appreciate it.
CLASPALL is a command line app that runs with CLASP, allowing you to update multiple Google Apps Script projects from a single core project file.
When developing for clients I typically have 3 separate projects:
CLASPALL allows me to update my Testing and Production projects from my Development project with a single command in my terminal: CLASPALL
Continue reading “CLASPALL – Update Multiple Apps Script Projects From a Single Source”
Ever seen an overzealous user madly clicking on an image button in Google Sheets to run an automation script? It’s maddening, frustrating and most importantly, may cause errors in your beautifully crafted code.
In this short tutorial, we explore how to use Google Apps Script’s Lock Service to prevent users from executing your code from your image button while the original instance of the code is still running.
Grab a copy of the starter sheet below to play along.
To the Starter Sheet