Creating a Google Sheet Geo Map From Form Data and Posting it to WordPress – Part 3 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project (Updated Feb, 2022)

Google Forms, Google Sheets (IMPORTXML), XML Path, WordPress

Note: This is part 3 of a larger project. Each part of the project is self-contained should you wish to reference just one particular aspect. Alternatively, you can follow along with the project to practise workflow and learn about Google Forms, Sheets, WordPress integration and a little HTML5 and Javascript. You can access the beginning of the project here: 

Creating a Short Google Form Survey and Embedding it into a WordPress Post – Part 1 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project

Embedding a Live Google Sheet Graph that Updates Every 30 Seconds into a WordPress Post – Part 2 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project

Where We Left Off

After creating and embedding a Google Form into our WordPress post, in our last tutorial, we added a graph of all the results from the survey that updates every 30 seconds.

In this tutorial, we are going to add a country selection to our form and then embed a country heat map into our post.

Geo Heatmap Google

Creating a Country Drop-Down List in Google Forms

The Countries List

Getting The Country Data

First off, we need to find a list of countries. I’m going to grab that from  I could probably just copy the list and paste them in but I might want to use the list of countries again as a reference for other calculations in my sheet so I am going to go to my Google Sheet that is connected to my form and create a new Sheet tab named Countries.

Continue reading “Creating a Google Sheet Geo Map From Form Data and Posting it to WordPress – Part 3 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project (Updated Feb, 2022)”

Embedding a Live Google Sheet Graph that Updates Every 30 Seconds into a WordPress Post – Part 2 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project

Google Sheets, Forms, WordPress,  HTML5, a touch of Javascript

Note: This is part 2 of a larger project. Each part of the project is self-contained if you wish to reference just one particular aspect. Alternatively, you can follow along with the project to practise workflow and learn about Google Forms, Sheets, WordPress integration and a little HTML5 and Javascript. You can access the beginning of the project here: 

Creating a Short Google Form Survey and Embedding it into a WordPress Post – Part 1 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project

Where We Left Off

In our previous post, I showed you how to create a Google Form and embed it into a WordPress post. The end result looked like this.

Feel free and complete the survey for fun and the unadulterated joy of surveys!

In this tutorial, we will add a live Google pie chart of our results that updates every 30 seconds so that our viewer, …erh…you, can see the results as they come in.

Here is what our Chart will look like.

Continue reading “Embedding a Live Google Sheet Graph that Updates Every 30 Seconds into a WordPress Post – Part 2 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project”

Creating a Short Google Form Survey and Embedding it into a WordPress Post – Part 1 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project (Updated Feb 2022)

Google Forms, WordPress,  HTML5

Note: This is the beginning of a larger project. Each part of the project is self-contained if you wish to reference just one particular aspect. Alternatively, you can follow along with the project to practise workflow and learn about Google Forms, Sheets, WordPress integration and a little HTML5 and Javascript.


Welcome to Part 1 in our Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project. By the end of our project our goal is to embed a Google Form survey into a WordPress post.

In this post, we will look at how to create a simple Google Form to run a survey asking my viewers what paid version of Google Suite they use or if they simply use the free Google Apps services like Google Sheets, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, etc.

The end result of this stage will look like this:

Feel free and complete the survey for fun and happiness.

Continue reading “Creating a Short Google Form Survey and Embedding it into a WordPress Post – Part 1 of Google Forms in WordPress with Live Chart Project (Updated Feb 2022)”

Multiple Cell Data and Formula Reference With Find and Replace – Google Sheets

One of my biggest regrets when I first got started with Google Sheets and spreadsheets in general, was not taking full advantage of Find and Replace.

Find and Replace is the penicillin of the Spreadsheet world. It can rapidly cure all sorts or issue with a simple set of commands. It is seriously amazing stuff.

Yeah! Yeah! We all know about Find and Replace.

I know! I thought so too, but then I started to really use and identify how I could use it to quickly:

  • Change template sheets.
  • Fix bulk errors in formulas.
  • Change parts of cells.
  • Replace values in the whole spreadsheet, one sheet or a selected range.

Before we get started, you need to know the short cut for the Find and Replace tool. This will come in handy in all sorts of programs and apps.

  • PC – Ctrl + H
  • Mac – CMD (⌘) + H

I’m going to go ahead and continue the examples using PC, because, you know, Mac.

Continue reading “Multiple Cell Data and Formula Reference With Find and Replace – Google Sheets”

5 Easy Shortcuts That Will Save you Heaps of Time – Google Sheets

It’s time to get evangelical, peeps! Release yourself from the yolk of the menu bar and its insidious demands on your coordination and time!

Break free from the right-click menu! For is it not anything more than a proxy menu bar?! A veritable wolf in sheep’s clothing with no other design, but to bring you back to the fold of the menu-using, mouth-drooling reprobates who stand in the way of efficient progress! Can I get an Amen! I said, can I get an Amen!

No? Fair enough…

Let’s just get on with it then, shall we? After all, this is about efficiency, right?

Here are the 5 main shortcuts that I use in Google Sheets each and every day to save me a tonne of time. I’m going to give you a bit more than just the Keyboard Shortcut, I’m going to demonstrate how I use it with some clear examples.

Continue reading “5 Easy Shortcuts That Will Save you Heaps of Time – Google Sheets”