Google Sheets: How to use OR inside a FILTER

Google sheets: FILTER, booleans, NOT, ISBLANK

Have you ever had a set of data in Google Sheets where you want to use FILTER to grab rows based on if a condition in one column is met or if a condition is another column is met?

Maybe you got frustrated that the OR function did not work inside the FILTER as you might have expected. Well, let me tell you matey-potatey, ‘or’ works a little differently in FILTER.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to apply alternate ‘or’ conditions in a single column or multiple columns.

NOTE: If you are looking for how to use ‘or’ in a FILTER, I am assuming you know how to use FILTER in Google Sheets.

Continue reading “Google Sheets: How to use OR inside a FILTER”

Google Apps Script Course – Part 4: 2D Array Data Transformation of Multiple Question Multiple Group Items Data to Total Count of Rating Choices in Google Sheets

Google Apps Script, Google Sheets, SpreadsheetApp, 2d arrays

<<Part 3                                         <<Intro>>

In Part 3 of our 2D array data transformation course in Google Apps Script, we worked out how to get the count of each choice of each question item from the survey results in a Google Sheet.

This time we are going to add a final element to our mix. Let’s say we have multiple questions and multiple groups. We want to find out the count for each choice for each question for each group.

Continue reading “Google Apps Script Course – Part 4: 2D Array Data Transformation of Multiple Question Multiple Group Items Data to Total Count of Rating Choices in Google Sheets”