Creating Webhooks for Google Chat App with Apps Script

In this tutorial, we follow the adventures of Captain Webhook and his crew in their insatiable desire to report their latest booty conquest to me via Google Chat webhooks…

That, dear readers, did not come out right.

Webhooks are HTTP POST requests that are usually generated by a triggered event. The event could come from any third-party source within Google Workspace like:

Or it can occur with other third-party services. Imagine that you want to get an update from:

  • Your Stripe or PayPal account whenever a new payment comes in.
  • A course management service like Gumroad.
  • Patreon when another awesome supporter shows you some love.

Or when a rather rambunctious figment of my imagination insists on updating me when his latest haul of treasure has come in… live.


Captain Webhook of the Pirate Sheet HTTPS Request

Chat App webhooks will need an intermediary step for them to be compiled in a way that the Google Chat API can understand. We’ve chosen Google Apps Script here to do this, but you can choose to use any other language to convert your data into Chat API readable JSON or even build in a CLI to post your webhook request.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to:

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