Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script

Many of my Google Apps Script posts have two purposes:

  1. As a tutorial to help you learn how to code with Google Apps Script.
  2. As a template that can be quickly modified for your own purposes.

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Courses & Projects


Building a Data Log in Google Sheets with Google Apps Script – FREE

A beginner Google Apps Script series that progressively develops a data log:
– 1st, we start off with a basic input field to get the hang of appending rows in Google Sheets with Google Apps Script.
– 2nd, We then build a vertical form inside Google Sheets that’s easily readable with by editors.
– 3rd, Next, we move our Google sheet form to the sidebar.

In this series we will walk through:
– appending data.
– validating data.
– creating submit buttons.
– handling deleted formatting and data validation with Apps Script
– Creating a basic sidebar app in Google Sheets
– data validation in Apps Script
– data validation in the Sidebar

2D Array Data Transformation for Google Sheets – FREE

This FREE 4-part course is designed for you to learn how to transform 2-dimensional arrays in Google Apps Script. You will start off with building a Google Apps Script that takes in Google Form response data from a spreadsheet and takes the count of each choice from a question item. It then returns the count data of each choice back to the Google Sheets.

This course then builds of your original code first, modifying the code for a set of rating data and then expands the code to take in multiple question choices and finally multiple groups of respondents.

You will learn how to create new code and then modify and enhance the original code for a new project. You will also get a taste of how to plan your project in a readable and reusable manner.

This course only requires the barest of understanding Javascript and Google Apps Script.

You can start at the Introduction – HERE

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Upper Beginner

Webapps basics – FREE

Learn how to create your very own WebApp in Google Apps Script. You will build and modify a number of WebApps as you follow this free tutorial series.

  1. Google Apps Script: How to create a basic interactive interface with Web Apps
  2. Creating an embedded interactive Chain Story app with Google Apps Script and Google Sheets
  3. Google Apps Script: Store a Unique User Key from a User Accessing your WebApp

You’ll need a basic understanding of Javascript and Google Apps Script for this course.


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Links & References

Websites || Communities || Social

Just a short list of recommended links.


  • Google Apps Script Overview: The main overview page for Google Apps Script. It has useful links to courses and how to get started.
  • Google Apps Script Documentation: Want to know how I learned how to code in Google Apps Script? I set a project and then read the documentation. Google makes its docs really easy to follow. Make sure you bookmark this one.
  • AppsScriptPulse: An excellent aggregate site pooling together all the great Google Apps Script coding tutorials and guides across the internet. Created by Google Developer Expert, Martin Hawskey.
  • Ben Collins: A site similar to this one with a tonne of tutorials on Google Apps Script. Ben also provides some exceptional courses FREE and paid. He’s a great guy. Go and show him some love!
  • Baz Roberts: Another prolific Google Suite and Google Apps Script blogger. Baz has an amazing collection of project-based tutorials that are well worth getting your teeth into. He is also a popular author writing some excellent books on Google Apps Script.
  • Alice Keeler: Has a number of solid Gooogle Apps Script tutorials with an educator and Google Classroom focus.
  • Labnol: By the ever-popular Amit Agarwal. An excellent resource for Google Apps Script along with some neat Google Add-ons.
  • A dedicated Google Apps Script fan, Sourabh Choraria’s love for coding in his tutorials is evident and almost equals his passion for lowercase 😄. Get some great perspectives on tying in other APIs with Google Apps Script here too.
  • MDN Javascript Reference: Google Apps Script is based on Javascript 1.6 along with bits for 1.7 and 1.8 sprinkled in. This means that you can use much of the Javascript documentation to help you to figure out your coding problem. The MDN Javascript Reference is my preferred option for this.
  • WorkspaceDevs: Google Workspace Developer is a directory of workspace developers who offer to provide support for people working in Google Workspace including Google Sheets, Google Slides, Gmail and Apps Script help. This is another great resource from Sourabh Choraria.

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  • Google Apps Script Community: By far my favourite community to see what people are up to, what issues they are facing and generally feel involved. This community is primarily directed towards Google Apps Script developers. The community discusses Google Apps Script issues and helps each other out on various script integration and best practices. Please don’t try and get “free” code from this group.
  • Stackoverflow: How did we learn to code before Stackoverflow? I use this site to look up questions already asked to see if I figure out my own problem from there. I really don’t use this site to ask questions and my contributions are limited here.
  • Git Hub: Git Hub can be a nice place to explore some good examples of other developers working in Google Apps Script. I like to give it a glance once in a while to pick up some style tips and see how different devs tackle a similar problem.

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You can follow me on: Twitter or Facebook

  • Twitter: a lot of Google’s lovely people working on Google Apps Script and GSuite product frequent Twitter along with all the Google educators and Google Developer Experts you could ever dream of. The community is strong here and, quite frankly, the nicest bunch of humans on Twitter. Try #GoogleAppsScript, #GSuiteDevs and #Gsuite to search the site.
    • GSuite: Google’s GSuite page has some great tips and updates on all things GSuite including some regular Google Sheet tips and gif videos showing new functionality or boosting productivity.
    • Google Devs: A little beyond Google Apps Script but Google Devs is the spot to get updates on all Google-related dev stuff.
  • Youtube
    • Yagisanatode: Google Apps Script: This is my Google Apps Script playlist for a few things that are better left to video for explanation.
    • Learn Google Spreadsheets: two years and over 50 videos on Google Sheets from this fella. His videos are top quality and his pacing is top-notch.
    • Jordan Rhea: A very broad range of Google Apps Script tutorials. Lots of good stuff here. Jordan is easy to follow and has some unique code snippets.
    • Totally Unscripted: Google’s regular GSuite developers series. It’s a great way to keep up with what’s happening in the Google dev space.
  • Facebook
    • Google Apps Script: Curated by Alexander Ivanov. It’s a solid community particularly for new peeps getting into Google Apps Script.
  • Reddit
    • Google Apps Script: I confess. I don’t frequent this group. However, it does seem to be an active community with some pretty good support for people troubleshoot their own Google Apps Script issues.

Is there something I missed? Send me a message via my contact form or on Twitter!

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As we mentioned above, many of the tutorials are designed to quickly be incorporated into your own projects. Below is a number of tools I have created or recommend.

Google Apps Script Editor Color Change

Google Color array picker

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Got a more specific problem you need help with, but don’t have the time to develop the skills?

Hire me:

I am occasionally available for projects usually over the June-July-August period. You can contact me: HIRE ME.

Hire A Google Apps Script Legend:

Many of my busy readers have a lot of success hiring freelancers for Google Apps Script projects from Fiverr.

Fiverr’s your best bet to find a skilled Google Apps Script professional to solve your problem quickly and cheaply. *

*The above affiliate links have been carefully researched to get you to what you specifically need. If you decide to click on one of these links it will cost you just the same as going to the site. If you decide to sign up, I just get a little pocket money to help pay for the costs of running this website.

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