Automatic download link for non-Google Workspace files in Google Drive

Ever wanted your users to simply click a button on your webpage and,💥, a file you saved on Google Drive is automatically downloaded for them?

Here have a look at two examples:

NOTE! Clicking the links above will automatically download the file described.

This quick tool allows you to do just that. It works with any file like:

  • Images e.g. *.png *.jpg.
  • Documents e.g. *.pdf *.doc.
  • Zip files e.g. *.zip *.7z.
  • Pretty much anything that isn’t a Google Workspace file like a Google Sheet, Google Doc, Google Slide.

Grab and set up the file

    1. Find the file you need to set up for auto-download.
    2. Righ-click the file.
    3. Select Get link.
    4. Ensure the settings says, Anyone with link can view.
    5. Select Copy link.
Google Drive get link example
Click to expand!

Create the link

*Wait for the converter to load.

Do no harm!

Yes, I guess this could be used for downloading some nefarious content. This little tool is designed to provide a convenience for you and the people you want to share your files with. Please consider other people when preparing a tool for them. Even a quick heads up in your own content might be a good idea:

  • Note! File will download automatically from Google Drive.
  • Note! Clicking this file will download it automatically.

What about my Google Workspace Files?

Not directly with this tool, I’m afraid. The simple answer is Google Workspace files are designed to be in Google Drive and online. Much better for you to share the file publically and then provide a link to the file.


If you are intending on providing your Google Workspace files or folders for your users to download and use offline anyway then you could download the in advance. This will cause the Google Workspace files to be exported into an offline format. Then you can drag that converted file and put it back in your drive and share it. You will be able to complete the steps above then.

Also, if you are downloading an entire folder it will export it files into usually Microsoft formats for you automatically and save the entire document in a zip file. Then you can drag that zip file back into your Google Drive and convert with the above too.

Neat huh?



Use Google Sheets to store your Recipes to automatically change Batch Sizes and Recipe Amount by Weight

Your very own Google Sheets Recipe Template

For my culture, the Christmas season has come. With it comes all the delightful homemade goodies and snacks you get for over the Christmas season.

I do like to cook and over the years I have either inherited or discovered some great recipes. However, one of the problems I often face is that I need to be able to change the batch size or total ingredient weight of my recipe for when it is just me and Mrs Yagi or when I am hosting a bunch of people for a Christmas party.

So rather than try and calculate the changes each time, I put our recipes into a Google Sheet and set it up so that I could plug in a number of batches or a total ingredient weight and then head out and do my shopping accordingly.

Ugh…but recipes in Google Sheets is ugly, Yagi!!!

I am no design genius, but you might be surprised. Take a look at my example Christmas Recipe Google Sheet below:

Google Sheets Recipe Template Batch and Weight View
Click to Expand!

Or this print view:

Continue reading “Use Google Sheets to store your Recipes to automatically change Batch Sizes and Recipe Amount by Weight”

Google Apps Script – Why isn’t my add-on showing up in the add-on menu when I test it? (Updated Feb 2022)

Google Apps Script – AuthMode

I mean, when I run it normally, it works just fine!

This is an interesting problem I came across recently when reviewing one of my Google add-ons.

The Problem

The issue was that when I ran my Google Apps Script add-on code normally – in my case, connected to a Google Sheet – the add-on would appear just fine in my add-on menu. However, when I tested the script as an add-on ( run >>> Test as add-on…), as installed for current user but not enabled, my app would not appear in the add-on menu.

If I were to publish this app in this condition (and I may have…eep!), the user would be able to see my add-on in the add-on menu but not be able to access the link to run the app’s function without going into Add-ons >>> Manage add-ons… then click on Manage >>> Use this add-on. The user would have to do this each time they want to apply my add-on to a new Google doc for the first time. Not a good user experience.

The reason is that the first time the app is run in a new document, the Authorization Mode is set to none:


When the user opens the document for the first time, the onOpen(e) trigger function is loaded along with any global variables that are in the script.

This is what Google Apps Script has to say about this:

Google Apps Script onOpen AuthMode None
Source: Add-on Authorization.

So the problem was that one of my Global Variables did not abide by the scope of AuthMode.NONE.

How about we look at some example code to see how to identify the problem and work towards a solution.

Continue reading “Google Apps Script – Why isn’t my add-on showing up in the add-on menu when I test it? (Updated Feb 2022)”

Sections to Sheets – Free Google Add-on That Separates Column Sections Into Individual Sheets for Page-by-Page Export or Printing

What is Sections to Sheets?

Sections to Sheets is a free Google Sheets Add-on that separates rows by column sections and puts them in individual pages or sheets in a spreadsheet in preparation for export and printing.

You can find Sections to Sheets at the Google Workspace Marketplace.


Google Workspace Marketplace badge

Continue reading “Sections to Sheets – Free Google Add-on That Separates Column Sections Into Individual Sheets for Page-by-Page Export or Printing”

Spacer – Free Google Add-On That Spaces Rows by Column Category (Updated January 2022)

What is Spacer?

Spacer is a Free Google Add-On that creates row spaces by column categories.

I use it as an academic administrator to create a space or two at the end of each class section to create a visual break between sections. This makes it easier for my staff to quickly identify class sections.

You can find Spacer at the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Google Workspace Marketplace badge

What can Spacer do?

Spacer can:

  • Automatically detect the width of your columns.
  • Allow you to select a column with the categories you want to use to space your data.
  • Set the height of your header – so that is not spaced too.
  • Set the thickness of your spaces.
  • Set the color of your spaces
  • Set starting and end position of your color filler.

How to use Spacer

After Installation

Before You Start:

  1. Before you start, create a Google Sheet with the data in it you want to space.
  2. Select All the data.
  3. Go to the menu bar and select: Data>Sort Range...   and select the column you want to sort by. This will be the column you will use to space your data by the categories in that column.
Running Spacer:

Continue reading “Spacer – Free Google Add-On That Spaces Rows by Column Category (Updated January 2022)”