
Contact Us

There might be a better way to reach out to me than this contact page. Check out the suggestions below:

    1. Help with using code or formulas from a post: Please consider adding your question to the comments of the post. At least this way, if I can’t get to you, one of my readers might. If you do feel you need to contact me, please provide a link to the post you are referring to.
    2. Hire me: You can check out my services on the ‘Hire Me’ page.
    3. Promotions: I currently only offer promotional services to developers who have Google Workspace Add-ons or apps in the Google Workspace Marketplace. You can learn more here.
    4. Guest posts: I don’t currently offer slots for guest posts or promotional articles.
    5. Share a story about how you applied and expanded on one of my tutorials: Awesome! I would love to hear it. Even better, if you are comfortable, might be to share in the comments of the post so you can inspire others.
    6. Quick questions related to my field: This is the form for you. If I get a chance and have some insight – I can point you in the right direction.
    7. Found a mistake or outdated issue in a tutorial: This is the form for you. I often update tutorials. I’ll even give you a mention in the changelog.
    8. Invitations to meets: This is the form for you. Virtual or otherwise, I love attending meetups and conferences.
    9. Invitations to speak at meets and cons: This is the form for you. Absolutely, I enjoy sharing my knowledge.
    10. Other: If you want to share some new tech or APIs related to my field, just say hi, or ask me about the GDE program, this is the form for you.
