Google Apps Script: Create a Select All Checkbox to Tick Checkboxes in Any Desired Range in Google Sheets

Google Apps Script: isChecked(), switch, filter, map

One Checkbox to Rule them All

Now that’s a fantasy novel I could be my gums into.

Have you ever created a Google Sheet projects where you could really use a select all checkbox (they call them ‘Tick-boxes’ in Google Sheets)? Sure you can copy a range of tickboxes and paste the same range etc. But can you really trust your users not to mess that up?

People are used to select-all checkboxes in their computerised lives. It’s always better to work with familiarity to provide a better user experience rather than try and teach the user on the fly how to do something your way.

With this in mind, I went about creating a select-all checkbox for Google Sheets. Here is a little demo of how it all works. All the black background Tick boxes are select All boxes. These boxes have been assigned a range of other checkboxes that will be either checked or unchecked depending on the main select-all boxes state.

Google Select All Demo with Google Apps Script
Select All Demo

As you can see, the select all checkbox only changes the tick boxes in the assigned range. It does not affect any other non-tick box data in the same range.

To get this up and running on your own project, all you need to do is copy and paste in the two code files in your Google Apps Script editor. The first code file is the function that runs the check-all code. The other file stores all the select-all checkboxes and the ranges that they will affect.

Let’s take a look at the code and then run through a quick use guide before finishing off with an example.

Those of you who want to dive into the nuts and bolts of the code, there will be more explanation of each element of the code at the end.

The Code

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Google Apps Script: How to check if there is a Tick Box (Check Box) in a cell or range

Google Apps Script: checkbox, Google Sheets

This is something  I came across today when working on a project. I needed my Google Apps Script to look at a cell or range and determine whether there is a checkbox in that Google Sheet cell. If there is, then my script would do something. Otherwise, I would throw an error alert to the user.

Off I went searching through the Google Apps Script docs hoping to find something like an isCheckbox() method.

No such luck on such an obvious solution, but after playing around with some of the other checkbox methods, I did find a solid alternative.


I didn’t feel that the docs were up to their usual amazing standard here. Thus the explanation below (Yes, I am also procrastinating from my project, but I’m also making an online note for myself).

isChecked() takes a range or a cell and returns:

Continue reading “Google Apps Script: How to check if there is a Tick Box (Check Box) in a cell or range”