A Better Financial Year Formula In Google Sheets

The most common financial year formula for Google Sheets looks a little like this:

=IF(MONTH(A3) < 7, YEAR(A3) - 1, YEAR(A3))


=IF(MONTH(date) < financial_year_starting_month, YEAR(date) - 1, YEAR(date))

Display the starting financial year of a target date in Google Sheets

In Australia, our financial year starts on the 1 July. So that’s what I’ve used in the example.

Continue reading “A Better Financial Year Formula In Google Sheets”

Displaying Odd and Even Row Data in Google Sheets

Have you ever wanted to split a list of Google Sheet rows in two by odd or even? Or had a time when you wanted to display all items in a range by odd or even ids in two separate lists?

You don’t have to do this manually, we can work smart and create a formula for each of these scenarios to easily separate your data.

In this tutorial, we will cover three scenarios:

  1. Separate a range of data by odd and even rows.
  2. Separate a range by odd and even where a selected column has a list of numerical ids.
  3. Separate a range by odd and even where a selected column contains a list of alphanumeric ids.

If you want to play along, you can get a copy of the starter sheet here:

Odd and Even | Starter Google Sheet*

*Contains Easter Eggs.

Continue reading “Displaying Odd and Even Row Data in Google Sheets”