Google Apps Script – URL Fetch JSON data from an API and add it to a Google Sheet – Ripple API example

Google Apps Script – UrlFetchApp, SpreadsheetApp, Ripple API, Time Triggers

I have been very fortunate of late to have the patronage of the Ripple XRP cryptocurrency community via XRP Tip Bot and Coil. This is no small part due to the support of user Recreational Rex from Twitter.

Full disclosure here, I don’t really know all that much about cryptocurrencies. I knew about Bitcoin and Ethereum but really didn’t really invest any time and money into looking at these growing forms of value exchange.

But now I’m a little curious.

I thought it would be fun to see what the value of XRP was against a fairly standard metric like the USD and keep a record of this exchange rate daily over a month or so (Mrs Yagi just read the ‘fun‘ in the last sentence and rolled her eyes).

I also thought it would be pretty cool to see how many exchange providers (Gateways) that conduct USD-XRP exchanges are around and see if there is much difference their exchange rate day-to-day among them.

Fortunately for me, the XRP Ledger provides a freely available open-source ledger that can be accessed via the Ripple Data API. The API can return JSON objects from which we can extract the data we need.

Of course, to record and display the daily exchange-rates I went straight to Google Sheets. I gathered the relevant XPR data using Google Apps Script’s UrlFetchApp Class and pushed it to my Google Sheet with SpreadsheetApp Class.

Here is a live embed of the XRP Google Sheet that is updated via a daily time trigger via Google Apps Script.

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Google Apps Script: Delete Rows Based on a Column’s Cell Value in Google Sheet

Google Apps Script, SpreadsheetApp, Google Sheet, Iteration

A not too uncommon task for Google Sheets users is to delete rows based on a cell’s values in a certain column. Often you don’t want to change the row position of the values so sorting the values and then deleting them in blocks is out.

All you want to do is iterate through the rows in the Sheet searching your selected column for the text or value that will trigger your code to remove the assigned row. Then delete the row.

Rinse and repeat until all rows have been checked.

This task can be automated with Google Apps Script in a number of ways depending on the size of your data set.

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Google Apps Scripts: Create Time Triggers to automatically send email task reminders from a Google Sheets check list

Google Apps Script: Time Triggers, ClockTriggerBuilder, ScriptApp

One of the most powerful things about Google Apps Script is the ability to automatically complete tasks with time-driven triggers. You can set up your code to run any one of your functions in your script by the minute, hour, day, week, or month. You can even set it to run based on a specific date.

Have a look at the time-driven trigger options below:

    • Specific Date and Time: Based on: YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM format
    • Minute: Every minute or every 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.
    • Hour: Every hour or every 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours.
    • Day: At a time within an hourly bracket. For example:
      • Midnight to 1 am,
      • 3 pm to 4 pm
  • Month: On a specific day of a calendar month at a specific time. For example:
      • Every 3 day of the month at between 3 am and 4 am.

There are two approaches to setting up these time-based triggers. The first one is by simply using the Trigger creator inside the G Suite Developer Hub. This allows you to select the function that you want to add a trigger to for your project and fill out a simple form to determine when you want your trigger to run.

Gsuite Developer hub time trigger

Alternatively, you can create a time trigger programmatically using the ClockTriggerBuilder class.

In this tutorial, we will build on a previous project we’ve called The Badger, that contains a task check off Google Sheet. If the user does not check off their sheet by the due date, then we can send them an HTML email reminder.

Google Apps Script email remind from Google Sheet The Badger 2

Don’t worry, I will provide the starter code and the Google Sheet for you in a minute. However, if you want to learn how I created the email reminder for The Badger you can follow the tutorial here:

Google Apps Script: Create an HTML email reminder service from Google Sheet data.

If you want to see how I created the Spreadsheet, you can check out this link:

Google Sheets: How to create a task completion check sheet.

Setting Up

Continue reading “Google Apps Scripts: Create Time Triggers to automatically send email task reminders from a Google Sheets check list”

Google Apps Script: Get the last row of a data range when other columns have content like hidden formulas and check boxes [updated Mar 2022]

Google Apps Script: getRange, getLastRow, getDataRange, spreadsheetApp – requires a basic understanding of GAS. Updated 01 Dec 2021

Finding the last row of a data range in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script is a pretty common task. We often do this to find the next available free row to insert new data or to copy an entire data range to put into an array in Google Apps Script.

Generally, for fairly clean data, or a small range of data, we would rely on two approaches to get the data we need:

  • getLastRow(): this will get the last row in a Google Sheet that has data in it. It determines the last row based on the last available row value in all columns in the spreadsheet.
  • getDataRange(): this will get the range up to the last row and column with values in it.

Let’s take a quick look at this clean data set:

Continue reading “Google Apps Script: Get the last row of a data range when other columns have content like hidden formulas and check boxes [updated Mar 2022]”

Google Apps Script: Send Bulk Emails and Share a Google Sheet with One Button Click

Google Sheets, Google Apps Script, GmailApp

Ever wanted a quick way to give edit permissions to a user and then send them an email based on values in your Google Sheet?

This task crosses my table several times a week. Whether it is sending reminders to complete a Google Sheets task or share a Google Sheet to complete a task.

You might be thinking that it’s pretty easy to just go up to the big green Share button on Google Sheets and plug in all the people you need to give edit permission too. But what if you need to give edit permission to a number of people that are on your Google Sheet. Ever noticed that the Share button gets in the way when you are looking through your Sheet for those names or emails?

When you normally share a Google Sheet you have the option to send a message, but what if you want to send a custom message with the user’s name? You are kinda stuck to a brief message which sucks.

So I decided that it would be best to create a template script that I could quickly adapt to suit my need in different circumstances.  Below is the result.

Basically, this little piece of Google Apps Script allows you  to plug in a custom:

  1. Email column.
  2. Columns you want to use to create a unique email for each person you want to send your message to.
  3. Email sent checkbox location
  4. An Image (I use a button) that the user can click on to send the email and give edit permission to the Spreadsheet.

Google Sheet necessary items for GAS email and share template

The script will then get all the emails and their associated columns you want to use to personalize your email. Remove the duplicates and then give permission to edit the current Google Spreadsheet and send them an email.

If you are in a hurry to copy and paste the code into your own project the script is below with a short Quick Start Guide.

If you are looking to learn how it all works, I will go into the details after the Quick Start Guide.

Continue reading “Google Apps Script: Send Bulk Emails and Share a Google Sheet with One Button Click”