How to Check a User’s Home Directory for a Folder – Python 3

Python 3, OS, Example in Windows 10

If you are creating a program for a user where you want to store or use a file in the users home directory, it is not as easy as simply preparing a fixed file location like:


Because if another user on another computer tries to use your program they will start getting errors because their home directory might be something else like:


You can, however, get the users home directory by using Python’s os.path.expanduser method.

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How to Display an Entry in a Label – Tkinter Python 3

Python 3, Tkinter 8.6. GUI examples in Windows 10

Probably one of the most common things to do when using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is to display something from an entry from the user.

Below is a simple example that allows the user to input text in a Tkinter Entry field and when they click “Enter” or use the <Return> or <Enter> button it will be displayed in a Tkinter Label.

The end result will look a little like this:

Display Entry in a Label in Tkinter with Python 3

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How to Center the Main Window on the Screen in Tkinter with Python 3

Python 3, Tkinter 8.6. GUI examples in Windows 10

When your first window loads in Tkinter it will generally appear slightly offset from the top left-hand corner of the screen. This is a fairly counter-intuitive location and most of the GUI driven programs that I run usually open at the centre of the page or a little higher than the center.

If you want a primer of window positioning, check out the following tutorial:

How Do I Change the Size and Position of the Main Window in Tkinter and Python 3

In Python 3, to put the main window in the center of the screen I use the following code:

Window Centered on the Screen in Tkinter with Python 3
Output in Windows 10

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How Do I Change the Size and Position of the Main Window in Tkinter and Python 3

Python 3, Tkinter 8.6. GUI examples in Windows 10

When you create your first window in Tkinter, you can set it’s starting size and position on the screen by using the geometry method.

When using this method, note that it only provides the window with the size and position when it is initialized. This means that the user can then change the size of the window and move it once it has first been put on the screen.

Initial Window Size

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How to Get Something from Google Sheets and Display it in the Sidebar in Google Apps Script (Updated January 2022)

Google Apps Script: SpreadsheetApp, getUI, HTMLservice, 

What if you want to get a value or a range from Google Sheets and show it in your sidebar using Google Apps Script?

First, you will need to get the value or range by using Google’s server-side script. Then you will have to display it client-side in your HTML document.

Documentation on getting the server-side and client-side talking nicely to each other is a little vague. Hopefully, this very basic tutorial will help clear things up.

In this tutorial, I will also be using Jquery.

Let’s get started.

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