Google Sheets Intermediate Project: Comparing the Best Daily Currency Exchange Rates Between Two Agencies – XRP/USD Example Part 2

Google Sheets: ARRAYFORMULA, IFERROR, SPARKLINE, Conditional formatting, workflow.

This is Part 2 of this Google Sheets Intermediate Project. If you are looking for part one, you can get it here:

This project compares two currency exchanges rates, USD-XRP, in two different exchange gateways Bitstamp and Gatehub.


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In the first part of our tutorial, you made a copy of the raw Exchange Volume data. Then in a new Google Sheet tab called Tutorialyou made a column of UNIQUE Date Time Stamps.

Realising that this was not user-friendly you grabbed just the date data from Column A and put it into Column B using the LEFT function. You then used some conditional formatting to highlight every Sunday automatically.

Next, you added two columns to display the daily exchange rates for the two gateways using FILTER. You then used two colours to identify which gateway had the highest or lowest exchange rate for that day.

You then grabbed the average of the two gateways before displaying their percentage difference.

By this stage everything looks like this:

Google sheets - Percentage Difference with Symbol
Tutorial – Google Sheet

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Stage 2

In this tutorial, we are going to make it even easier for our reader, by setting up a column to display the gateway name of the highest exchange for each day. We’ll then put in a block of columns that will display data about the day change of the average of the two gateways. Finally, we will add a SPARKLINE graph into each row so the user can, at a glance, see how the average exchange has been tracking for the past 7 days.

By the time you are done your chart should look like this:

Google Sheets XRP Daily Exchange Rate
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Highest Exchange Rate Gateway

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Google Sheets Intermediate Project: Comparing the Best Daily Currency Exchange Rates Between Two Agencies – XRP/USD Example Part 1

Google Sheets: FILTER, ARRAYFORMULA, UNIQUE, WEEKDAY, LEFT, MIN, MAX, IFERROR, Conditional formatting, workflow.

In this tutorial, we are going to tackle some Intermediate level Google Sheets concepts including using functions like:

  • MIN and MAX
  • LEFT

We are then going to make our Google Sheet more presentable by doing some neat tricks with Conditional Formatting.

However, probably the most important lesson is to consider throughout the whole process is the workflow of this project. I will try and get you into my headspace and talk about:

  • How I came to do things in a certain way.
  • What I tested before applying to my Google Sheet.
  • The order I did things to create the test.

When I am learning something, I find the most benefit in learning by following a project. As you follow along you don’t have to read everything. Actually, I encourage you to get the basic idea of the stage before giving it a try. Then come back to the tutorial for troubleshooting.

I hope you enjoy the following project…

Continue reading “Google Sheets Intermediate Project: Comparing the Best Daily Currency Exchange Rates Between Two Agencies – XRP/USD Example Part 1”