Google Sheets Beginners – Alternating Colours (17)

Google Sheets

Find out how to add alternating colours in your rows in Google Sheets. Adding alternating colours in your spreadsheets can really help your viewers to reference data accurately while also allow your spreadsheet to look quite smart and professional.

Google Sheets has a quick and easy alternating colours tool to help you to fancy up your spreadsheets in seconds.

In this tutorial, I’ll cover,

1. Basic alternating colours without headers.
2. Adding a standout colour header to your alternating colours.
3. Add both a standout header and footer to out alternating colours.
4. Alternating colours can be quite intuitive.
5. Adding different colour alternating rows to adjacent columns.

If you up for learning more about Google Sheets basics to make your life easier at work check out the playlist:

Google Sheets Basics playlist

Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

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Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
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