Google Sheets Beginners – Hide and unhide columns and rows(13)

Google Sheets

Sometimes it is helpful to hide and unhide columns in Google Sheets. You may have some completed tasks that you want to indicate as completed to your users or you may want to hide columns that you have used for working. Whatever, the case hiding rows in columns is a helpful trick to have in your Google Sheets toolbox.

In this video tutorial we  will cover:

  1. Why you might want to hide columns and rows in Google Sheets.
  2. Hiding and unhiding individual columns and rows.
  3. Hiding and unhiding ranges of columns and rows.
  4. Hiding and unhiding selected columns or rows.

Check it out now!

If you want to grab more Google Sheets basics, you click in the link below to the playlist:

Google Sheets Beginners playlist

Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

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Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
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Google Sheets Beginners: Insert Columns and Rows (12)

Google Sheets: Insert and Shift Columns and Row

Even if you are a veteran Google Sheets users you might find a great little tip in this tutorial.

Here we will cover how to insert columns and rows in Google Sheets spreadsheets. Oh, and how to cheat at connect 4.

In this tutorial, I’ll cover,

  1. Inserting columns and sheets from the menu bar.
  2. Insert columns and sheets by right-clicking cells and row and columns references.
  3. Inserting multiple columns and rows at one time.
  4. Shifting a cell set up, down left and right by one or many cells.


Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

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Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Gel
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Ge


How to compare current week’s data with previous week’s data in Google Sheets


One really helpful metric to check performance is to compare the current weeks worth of data against the previous weeks. I have had need of this in all sorts of projects such as:

  • Comparing sales performance from previous weeks to current.
  • Comparing hours worked on different tasks from week to week.
  • Compare the assessment balance between weekly tests.
  • Compare attendance numbers.

The problem is you often only receive data in to form of a date, like 1 Nov 2020. We will go through one possible solution to this problem in this tutorial.

We’ll run through an example together that you should be able to quickly adapt to your own project.

Let’s get cracking!

Continue reading “How to compare current week’s data with previous week’s data in Google Sheets”

Google Sheets Beginners: Freeze Rows and Columns(11)

Google Sheets: Freeze

Have you ever wanted to lock those pesky rows of headers or columns so that when you scroll the titles are still there? In Google Sheets, this is done easily.

You can either got to View > Freeze and select your preferred depth of freeze. Or you can do my favourite approach, click and drag that thick line just above and to the left of cell A1 and drag it to your preferred location.

Easy as that.

Check out the video tutorial below for more tricks on using Freeze in Google Sheets. It will cover:

  1. What Freeze does in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  2. How to freeze single or multiple columns and rows by using the menu bar.
  3. How to freeze using right-click on columns and cells.
  4. Some common issues you may face with freeze.


Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Gel
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Ge
