Google Sheets Beginners – Change Your Current Workbook’s Timezone Date & Currency (16)

Google Sheets

As we increasingly start to work from home and work with clients globally, it is vital that we prepare our Google Sheet for the country that our users and clients are from.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to quickly change your current Google Sheet’s timezone, date and currency for the entire document.

In this tutorial, I’ll cover,

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Google Apps Script – Javascript: Emulate the “Proper” Google Sheets Function

Google Apps Script / Javascript

I just had a recent email from a reader who asked how to tidy up a user’s inputted name from say, a Google Form so that all the first letters of each work in the name are capitalised in the same way that the Google Sheets Proper function does.

I thought it would be a good idea to provide a quick reference for the reader and myself for future projects.

The Code

Continue reading “Google Apps Script – Javascript: Emulate the “Proper” Google Sheets Function”

Google Sheets Beginners – Spell Check(15)

Google Sheets

Did you know that you can use spell check in Google Sheets?

No? Not many people do.

Cleaning up your spelling in your Google Sheets can really give your work an edge and save you from any embarrassing moments when you using your data to present.

While Google Sheets spreadsheets is quite primitive it can certainly help you fix the odd spelling fluff here and there.

In this tutorial we will cover:

  1. Using spellcheck on a single cell or sheet.
  2. Ignoring selected mistakes.
  3. Adding special words to your personal dictionary.
  4. Some of the limitations of Spellcheck in Google Sheets

If you up for learning more about Google Sheets basics to make your life easier at work check our the playlist:

Google Sheets Basics playlist

Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Gel
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Ge



Google Sheets Beginners – Creating Sheet Tabs (14)

Google Sheets

Sometimes just one Google Sheets tab is not enough. Maybe you want to tidy up your data, create unique insights in a separate tab or generate a spectacular graphic dashboard or all your daw data, knowing how to create a Google Sheets tab is going to be a vital part of your success as a Google Sheets creator.

In this tutorial we’ll cover:

  1. The different ways you can add a new blank sheet tab.
  2. Duplicating a current sheet tab.
  3. Renaming your sheet tab.
  4. Accessing a large number of sheet tabs.
  5. Hiding and unhiding your sheet tab.


Don’t forget to let your team know that you are using tabs. They always forget 🤣.

If you want to learn some more Google Sheets basics skills check out the link to the playlist below:

Google  Sheets Basics playlist

Did you enjoy the tutorial? Want to upskill and get a solid step-by-step course to become a pro at Google Sheets? Check out my course, Google Sheets: Learn the Essentials with Three Detailed Projects. Sign up today.

Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad
Want a fast track to boost your Spreadsheet efficiency? Grab one of these handy Google Sheets Shortcuts mousepads that I created from my store.
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Gel
Google Sheets Shortcuts Mousepad Ge


Google Apps Script: How to create a basic interactive interface with Web Apps

Google Apps Script: Web Apps

Did you know that you can easily create an interactive webpage web app that you can embed in your own website or your Google Workspace domain for internal use with your organisation with Google Apps Script?

Perhaps you want to create a small online app using resources you have in your Google workspace, like Google Sheets or BigQuery.

Maybe the functionality of Google Forms is not enough and you want to build a custom form for something like a seat booking form with a way for users to register a bunch of participants and immediately see if there are seats available. Or create a form where each answer creates a new set of questions that you want to add to a Google Sheet in our own way.

What if you wanted to road test a new app idea and want to use the development speed of Google Apps Script to get a proof of concept up and running in a flash?

Fortunately for you, Google Apps Script has you covered with the ability to deploy Web Apps.

Even if you have been working in the Google Apps Script environment for a while, getting started on Web Apps can be a bit of a daunting task. It’s just that little bit different that it can make you apprehensive at first. However, let me tell you that once you master the few basics, you will be smashing out Web Apps in no time.

In this tutorial, we will go over the very basics of creating your very first Web App. Don’t worry it will be a little bit more useful and interactive than a “Hello World” app. We will get the user to enter a value client-side. Then send it server-side for calculation and then return it back for display client-side.

Let’s take a look at what we are going to build:

Continue reading “Google Apps Script: How to create a basic interactive interface with Web Apps”